Motion 5 - The Difference Between Emitter and Particle Cell Parameters

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The Difference Between Emitter and Particle Cell Parameters

Emitter and particle cell parameters, though closely related, serve different purposes.
Emitter parameters control the overall shape and direction of the animated mass of
particles generated by the system. Other emitter parameters simultaneously modify the
parameters of all cells inside that emitter.

Particle cell parameters control the behavior of particles generated from each cell inside
the particle emitter. For more information, see

Particle Cell Parameters in the Inspector


When only one layer is used as a particle cell source, the cell controls appear in the Emitter
Inspector as well as in the Particle Cell Inspector. If more than one layer is added to a
Particle Emitter, all cell controls appear in the Particle Cell Inspector. To access this
Inspector, the cell must be selected in the Layers list or Timeline.

To open a particle system’s Emitter Inspector


Select an emitter object in the Layers list, Timeline, or Canvas.


In the Inspector, click the Emitter Inspector.

The Emitter controls appear.

The contents of the Emitter Inspector are dynamic—different parameters appear
depending on the number of cells in the particle system, the emitter shape that’s used,
and whether the 3D checkbox is selected or deselected.

Parameters in the Particle Cell Inspector control the behavior of particles generated by
the selected cell, independently of the parameters governing the emitter. In particle
systems with multiple cells, each cell has its own parameters. This lets you create particle
systems made up of many kinds of particles, each with distinctly different behaviors.

For more information on using the Particle Cell parameters, see

Particle Cell Parameters

in the Inspector


To open a cell’s Particle Cell Inspector


Select any cell in an emitter in the Layers list or Timeline.


In the Inspector, open the Particle Cell pane.


Chapter 14

Working with Particles

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The Cell controls appear.


Chapter 14

Working with Particles