Motion 5 - Op Art 1

background image

Op Art 1

There are three Op Art generators to help confuse your background-foreground senses.
The Op Art generators create mathematically oriented patterns using a repetition of
simple shapes. Although some static patterns create a visual illusion of movement, you
can keyframe Op Art parameters to create moving moiré patterns.

Default Op Art 1 generator

Modified Op Art 1 generator at 50% opacity over
blue rectangle

Parameters in the Inspector

Line Thickness:

Sets the thickness of the lines in the pattern.

Color 1:

Sets the first color of the pattern. Click the disclosure triangle to display Red,

Green, Blue, and Opacity sliders for more precise color selection.

Color 2:

Sets the second color of the pattern. Click the disclosure triangle to display Red,

Green, Blue, and Opacity sliders for more precise color selection.


Sets how sharp or blurred the division is between the lines and the background.

Wavelength 1:

Sets the frequency of the wave up and down.

Wavelength 2:

Sets the frequency of the wave from left to right.


Sets the amplitude of the waves.


Chapter 18

Working with Generators

background image


Sets the shape of the waves.

HUD Controls
The HUD contains the following controls: Line Thickness, Color 1, Color 2, Contrast,
Wavelength 1, Wavelength 2, Amplitude, and Roundness.