The Difference Between Replicator and Replicator Cell Parameters
Replicator and replicator cell parameters, though closely related, serve different purposes.
Replicator parameters control the overall shape, arrangement, offset, stacking order, build
order, and number of elements in the replicator pattern.
Replicator cell parameters control the behavior and appearance of the elements in the
replicator pattern. For more information, see
Displaying Replicator Cell Parameters
Chapter 15
Using the Replicator

For a replicator with only one cell (one source layer), the replicator and replicator cell
controls appear in the same Replicator Inspector. In this case, you can control every aspect
of the replicator using these controls.
Replicator Inspector
for replicator with a
single cell
Chapter 15
Using the Replicator

In replicators with multiple cells, each cell has its own Replicator Cell Inspector containing
all parameters for that cell.
Replicator Cell
Inspector for replicator
with multiple cells
To access cell-specific parameters, select a cell in the Layers list or Timeline.
Cell selected in Layers list