Motion 5 - Wriggle Shape

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Wriggle Shape

This behavior works similarly to the Randomize behavior, but with a slower effect (think
of a shape that’s had one too many espressos before dance class).

When the Wriggle Shape behavior is applied to a shape, all control points of the shape
are affected by default. When the behavior is selected in the Layers list, affected control
points are highlighted in white on the blue shape behavior spline. To disable control
points, click the control points. A disabled point appears blue.

Parameters in the Inspector


This parameter is set to Amount when the Apply Mode is set to Add,

Subtract, Add and Subtract; it is set to Multiplier when the Apply Mode is set to Multiply.
This slider defines the maximum value the Wriggle behavior generates.

Apply To:

A pop-up menu that defines whether the behavior is applied to the shape’s

control points, tangent handles, or both points and handles.

Points: The control points of the shape are wriggled, changing their position over the

duration of the behavior.

Tangents: The control points’ tangent handles (rather than the control points) are

wriggled. The control points stay in a fixed position while the curves between the points
are animated.

Points and Tangents: Both the control points and tangent handles are animated.

Apply Mode:

A pop-up menu that determines how values generated by this behavior

are combined with other behaviors and keyframes that affect the same parameter. This
provides you with different ways of using a Wriggle behavior to modify a vertex’s
preexisting values. There are four options:

Add: Values generated by this behavior are added to other behaviors and keyframes

that affect the same parameter.

Subtract: Values generated by this behavior are subtracted from other behaviors and

keyframes that affect the same parameter.

Multiply: Values generated by this behavior are multiplied by other behaviors and

keyframes that affect the same parameter.

Add and Subtract: Values generated by this behavior are added to and subtracted from

other behaviors and keyframes that affect the same parameter.


Chapter 20

Using Shapes, Masks, and Paint Strokes

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A slider that lets you adjust the amount of random variation per second.

Higher values generate faster variations, whereas lower values generate slower variations.

Wriggle Offset:

A slider that allows you to offset the sequence of random values when

you want to apply the same Wriggle behavior to multiple shapes. By offsetting each
shape’s version of the Wriggle behavior, you can prevent them from moving in sync.


This slider adds an additional overlay of random variance to the Frequency

you’ve set. Higher Noisiness values result in more erratic variations in the affected vertices.


This parameter appears when you apply this behavior to a two-dimensional

parameter (such as Distort) or three-dimensional parameter (such as Position or Rotation)
that consists of X, Y, and/or Z values. Select this checkbox to keep the behavior’s effect
on each value proportional.

Preserve Angle:

When this checkbox is selected, the tangent handles become (or remain)

flat, maintaining the continuity of the curves.

Random Seed:

A button that lets you pick a new random seed number. This number is

used to randomly generate new sequences of values, based on the other parameters of
this behavior.

HUD Controls
The Wriggle Shape HUD contains the Amount, Multiplier, Apply To, Frequency, Wriggle
Offset, Noisiness, Link, and Preserve Angle parameters.