Motion 5 - Perspective Tile

background image

Perspective Tile

Endlessly tiles an image, mapping it onto a grid that can be positioned in simulated 3D
space. Use Perspective Tile to create an endlessly repeating video wall stretching off into
the distance.

This filter causes rasterization in 3D groups. For more information on rasterization, see

About Rasterization


Original image

Perspective Tile applied

Parameters in the Inspector

Top Left:

Sets the position of the top-left corner of the grid. Drag the onscreen control

handles to adjust the right and left tile values.

Top Right:

Sets the position of the top-right corner of the grid.

Bottom Right:

Sets the position of the bottom-right corner of the grid.

Bottom Left:

Sets the position of the bottom-left corner of the grid.


Chapter 19

Using Filters

background image

Note: Drag the onscreen control handles to adjust the Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Right,
and Bottom Left values.


Sets the percentage of the original image to be blended with the filtered image.

Publish OSC:

Publishes the filter’s onscreen controls in Final Cut Pro X. For more

information on creating content for use in Final Cut Pro, see

Creating Templates for

Final Cut Pro X


HUD Controls