Hold Frame
The Hold Frame behavior holds the frame at the behavior’s In point for the duration of
the behavior. The clip continues playing normally after the behavior’s Out point. For
example, if the Hold Frame behavior begins at frame 60 and ends at frame 300, the clip
plays normally until frame 59, frame 60 is held for 240 frames, and then normal playback
resumes—frame 61 of the clip—at frame 301.
The Hold behavior is applied at the current frame, rather than at the start of the object.
Parameters in the Inspector
A slider that sets the offset for the hold frame. When set to 0 (the default), the
frame at the start of the behavior is the hold frame. When set to 60, however, the frame
at the start of the behavior (the hold frame) is the start frame plus 60 frames. This
parameter is measured in frames.
Tip: Flickering might occur if the Hold Frame behavior is applied to interlaced footage.
To avoid this, ensure that Field Order is properly set in the Inspector. To change field
order, select the footage in the Media list, open the Media pane in the Inspector, then
choose a field order option from the Field Order pop-up menu.
HUD Controls
The HUD contains the Offset parameter.