Motion 5 - Source Well

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Source Well

Many effects in Motion apply specific parameters from one object to another. For example,
the Bump Map filter applies texture from object A to object B. The Orbit Around behavior
causes object C to circle around object D. You set these object relationships using a
control known as a source well (sometimes called an Image well). A source well is an empty
box into which you drag a source object to influence a target object.

To use a source well


Drag an object from the File Browser, Library, Layers list, or Media list into the empty box.

The name and a thumbnail of the source object appears in the well and is used as a source
for the effect.

To replace the contents of a source well


Drag an object onto the well.

The old source is replaced with the new one.

To clear a source well


Drag the icon in the well out.

The well is emptied.