Motion 5 - Workspace Overview

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Workspace Overview

When you open a Motion project, its workspace fills your screen. The interface is a single
project window with dedicated areas that can be shown or hidden.

Timing pane


File Browser, Library,
and Inspector


Project pane

The Motion workspace contains the following major components:

File Browser, Library, and Inspector: The left side of the Motion workspace contains three

panes: the File Browser, Library, and Inspector. Click the labels at the top of this area
to show each pane. Use the File Browser to preview and add files to your project. Use
the Library to locate and apply the effects, templates, and other content that Motion
provides. Use the Inspector to modify elements in your project. For more information

File Browser



, and



Toolbar: The toolbar—a horizontal gray bar spanning the center of Motion

workspace—contains tools and controls for creating and editing elements in your
project. The left side of the toolbar provides access to tools used to create and
manipulate objects such as text, shapes, paint strokes, and masks. The center of the
toolbar contains the timing display. The right side of the toolbar includes buttons to
apply effects such as lights, filters, behaviors, particle systems and replicators. For more
information, see




Chapter 2

The Motion Interface

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Canvas: The Canvas, located in the upper-right corner of the Motion workspace, is the

main work area of the interface, where you can view and manipulate elements, as well
as control playback of your project. The Canvas also contains the status bar and the
project view options. For more information, see



Project pane: The Project pane, located to the left of the Canvas, contains the Layers,

Media, and Audio lists, which display items in your project. Click the labels at the top
of this area to show each list. The Layers list shows all objects used in your composition;
the Media list shows all external images, clips, and audio files linked to your project;
and the Audio list displays all audio tracks in your project. The Project pane can be
hidden to maximize the Canvas working area. For more information, see

Project Pane


Timing pane: The Timing pane, located underneath the toolbar, contains three modules:

the Timeline, the Audio Timeline, and the Keyframe Editor. Each module lets you see
and manipulate timing aspects of a project. The Timing pane can be hidden to maximize
the Canvas working area. For more information, see

Timing Pane


File Browser

The File Browser displays all files on your computer and networked disks. Navigating the
File Browser is similar to navigating a window in the Finder. You can drag items from the
File Browser to your project.

The File Browser, Library, and Inspector share the same pane on the left side of the Motion