Motion 5 - Canvas Buttons and Transport Controls

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Canvas Buttons and Transport Controls

In the lower portion of the Canvas, there are several buttons that modify the workspace
and let you control playback of the project.

The first two buttons modify the workspace and audio playback:

Show/Hide Project pane:

Shows and hides the Project pane (which includes the Layers,

Media, and Audio lists). The keyboard shortcut is F5.

Note: If you use Multi-Touch device, three-finger swipe right or left to show or hide the
Project pane.

Play/Mute audio:

Turns audio playback on or off.

Note: Turning audio off can improve your playback performance.


Chapter 2

The Motion Interface

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The group of buttons centered at the bottom of the Canvas are transport controls. Use
these button to play your project and see how it looks over time.

Go to start
of project

Play from


Go to next frame


Go to end
of project

Go to previous frame

Go to start of project:

Returns the playhead to the beginning of the project. The keyboard

shortcut is Home.

Go to end of project:

Moves the playhead to the end of the project. The keyboard shortcut

is End.

Play from start:

Plays from the play range In point to the play range Out point, letting

you watch a portion of the entire project. To learn how to define the In and Out points,

Defining the Play Range



Starts and stops playback. The keyboard shortcut is the Space bar.


Enables or disables animation recording. When recording is enabled, the values

for animateable parameters appear red in the Inspector. This is to inform you that any
change you make to a parameter (such as moving an object in the Canvas or adjusting
a slider) creates a keyframe.

Go to previous frame:

Moves the playhead backward by one frame. Clicking the button

(or holding down the shortcut key) rewinds the project one frame at a time. The keyboard
shortcut is the Left Arrow (or Page Up) key.

Note: If you have a Multi-Touch trackpad, you can rotate left to go to the previous frame.

Go to next frame:

Advances the playhead by one frame. Clicking the button (or holding

down the shortcut key) advances the project one frame at a time. The keyboard shortcut
is the Right Arrow (or Page Down) key.

Note: If you have a Multi-Touch trackpad, you can rotate right to go to the next frame.

The last two buttons modify the Canvas workspace and looping of video playback.

Player Mode:

Hides the File Browser, Library, Inspector, Project pane, and Timing pane

to maximize Canvas space. For more information, see

Player Mode



Chapter 2

The Motion Interface

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Loop playback:

Controls whether playback loops indefinitely, or whether playback stops

when the end of the play range is reached. The keyboard shortcut is Shift-L. For more
information on setting a project play range, see

Defining the Play Range
