Motion 5 - Dynamic Curve Sets

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Dynamic Curve Sets

Alternatively, you can use the Show Curve Set pop-up menu to limit the display to dynamic
parameters—parameters with keyframes, for example. There are three options in the
Show Curve Set pop-up menu that show dynamic parameters: Animated, Modified, and

To view only animated (keyframed or behavior-influenced) parameters


Choose Animated from the Show Curve Set pop-up menu.

Parameters with keyframes are displayed.

To view parameters changed from their default values


Choose Modified from the Show Curve Set pop-up menu.

This option shows the parameters that have been modified from their default values, or
are currently being modified (in the Canvas, Inspector, or HUD).

To view only active parameters


Choose Active from the Show Curve Set pop-up menu.

This option shows only parameters being modified in real time. For example, with Active
selected, dragging an object in the Canvas displays its X, Y, and Z Position parameters in
the Keyframe Editor.