Publishing Parameter Controls from Motion to Final Cut Pro X
When you create a template in Motion, you can limit or lock specific parameters to prevent
Final Cut Pro X users from modifying crucial elements in the resulting effect. For example,
you might want to prohibit a staff editor from changing the intensity of a glow effect to
be applied to a clip in Final Cut Pro. At the same time, you might want to allow her to
modify the color of the glow. You set these end-user constraints by choosing which
adjustable parameter controls to publish. Published parameters appear in the Final Cut Pro
Inspector, where they can be edited and animated.
When creating templates in Motion, you have the following publishing options:
• You can publish no parameters, making the effect a nonmodifiable preset with no
adjustable controls in the Final Cut Pro Inspector.
• You can publish specific parameters, giving users limited control over modifications
made in the Final Cut Pro Inspector.
• You can publish rig widgets, which map multiple parameters to a few pop-up menus,
sliders, or checkboxes. Rigs simplify parameters by combining them into a single control
in the Final Cut Pro Inspector. Rigs can also be used to limit the adjustable range of a
parameter in Final Cut Pro. For more information on using and publishing rig controls,
Using Rigs
For a step-through example of creating a Final Cut Effect that includes a rig, see
Advanced Example: Creating an SLR Effect Template Using Rigging
For more information on publishing template parameters, see
Publishing Parameters in
Note: Some parameters in Motion cannot be published to Final Cut Pro.
Chapter 11
Creating Templates for Final Cut Pro X