Favorites and the Favorites Menu
It’s easy to customize the behaviors, filters, particle systems, gradients, and generators
used in Motion to create effects. These customized objects are saved into their
corresponding categories. The Favorites category provides a place to put objects—built-in
or custom-made—that you use frequently. You can also place frequently used media
files (such as PDF or TIFF files) into the Favorites category. Objects you place in the
Favorites category are available to every project you create in Motion.
Objects you place in the Favorites Menu folder appear in the Favorites menu, for even
faster access. When you choose an item from the Favorites menu, that item is placed into
the selected layer, positioned at the center of the Canvas. Objects you put in the Favorites
Menu are available to every project in Motion.
Objects dragged into the Favorites and Favorites Menu categories are saved into the
/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Motion/Library/Favorites/ and /Favorites
Menu/ directories, respectively.