Motion 5 - Fixing the Size of a Group

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Fixing the Size of a Group

By default, the size of a group is determined by the layers in that group. Because animated
objects often grow in size, the active height and width of a group (its resolution) can
become large. You can constrain the resolution of a group to a specific width and height
in the Group pane of the Inspector.


Chapter 6

Creating and Managing Projects

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The project in the following image contains a particle system. The animated particles,
although not visible when they move off the Canvas, make the group containing them

Boundary is limited to

height and width set in

Group inspector

Boundary of

particle system

Group with Fixed Resolution disabled

Group with Fixed Resolution enabled

You can crop the size of a group that contains growing objects using the Fixed Resolution
checkbox in the Group pane of the Inspector.

If a project contains animated objects that move or expand beyond the edges of the
Canvas and you don’t activate the Fixed Resolution checkbox, your computer processing
time can increase.

Note: The Group pane of the Inspector (which contains the Fixed Resolution parameter)
is only accessible when a group is selected in the project.

When the Fixed Resolution checkbox is selected, objects in the group but outside the
Canvas are cropped to the size of the group defined in the parameter.


Chapter 6

Creating and Managing Projects

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When enabled, the Fixed Resolution parameter crops the group to the size specified in
the Fixed Width and Fixed Height parameters. This means that if the group’s anchor point
is offset, the cropping might not occur around the edges of the Canvas, and objects can
become cut off.

Selected group with Fixed Resolution enabled,
and set to project size. Notice that text objects
are cut off.

Selected group with an offset anchor point
before Fixed Resolution setting is enabled.

Anchor point

Anchor point

To fix the resolution of a group


In the Layers list (or the Timeline), select the group.


In the Inspector, click the Group pane.


Turn on the Fixed Resolution checkbox.

By default, the group’s resolution is set to the project size. An indicator appears to the
right of Fixed Resolution, informing you that the group is rasterized. For more information
on rasterization, see

About Rasterization



To define a resolution other than that of the project, adjust the Fixed Width and Fixed
Height sliders.

Note: When you select a layer in a fixed-resolution group, the bounding box around the
layer appears at its original size, unaffected by the containing group’s resolution.


Chapter 6

Creating and Managing Projects