Motion 5 - Using Object Alignment Commands

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Using Object Alignment Commands

The Alignment submenu in the Object menu contains commands that let you reposition
any number of simultaneously selected layers to align with one another in various ways.
These commands make it easy to organize a jumble of layers into an even layout.

After using alignment commands


In each operation, the left, right, top, and bottom of the selected layers are defined by
the bounding box that surrounds each layer. The position of the anchor point is ignored.

Each of the following commands affects the Position parameter of each layer:

Align Left Edges: Layers are moved horizontally so their left edges line up with the

leftmost layer in the selection.

Align Right Edges: Layers are moved horizontally so their right edges line up with the

rightmost layer in the selection.

Align Top Edges: Layers are moved vertically so their tops line up with the topmost layer

in the selection.

Align Bottom Edges: Layers are moved vertically so their bottoms line up with the

bottommost layer in the selection.

Align Far Edges: Layers are moved in Z space so their far edges line up with the furthest

layer in the selection.

Align Near Edges: Layers are moved in Z space so their near edges line up with the

closest layer in the selection.

Align Horizontal Centers: Layers are moved horizontally so their centers line up along

the center point between the leftmost and rightmost layers in the selection.

Align Vertical Centers: Layers are moved vertically so their centers line up along the

center point between the topmost and bottommost layers in the selection.

Align Depth Centers: Layers are moved in Z space so their centers line up along the

center point between the farthest and nearest layers in the selection.

Distribute Lefts: Layers are moved horizontally so the left sides of all layers are evenly

distributed, from right to left, between the leftmost and rightmost layers in the selection.


Chapter 7

Basic Compositing

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Distribute Rights: Layers are moved horizontally so the right sides of all layers are evenly

distributed, from right to left, between the leftmost and rightmost layers in the selection.

Distribute Tops: Layers are moved vertically so the tops of all layers are evenly distributed,

from top to bottom, between the topmost and bottommost layers in the selection.

Distribute Bottoms: Layers are moved vertically so the bottoms of all layers are evenly

distributed, from top to bottom, between the topmost and bottommost layers in the

Distribute Far: Layers are moved in Z space so the far edges of all layers are evenly

distributed along the Z axis, from closest to furthest, between the closest and furthest
layers in the selection.

Distribute Near: Layers are moved in Z space so the near edges of all layers are evenly

distributed along the Z axis, from closest to furthest, between the closest and furthest
layers in the selection.

Distribute Horizontal Centers: Layers are moved horizontally so the centers of all layers

are evenly distributed, from left to right, between the leftmost and rightmost layers in
the selection.

Distribute Vertical Centers: Layers are moved vertically so the centers of all layers are

evenly distributed, from top to bottom, between the topmost and bottommost layers
in the selection.

Distribute Depth Centers: Layers are moved in Z space so the centers of all layers are

evenly distributed, from closest to furthest, between the closest and furthest layers in
the selection.


Chapter 7

Basic Compositing