Particles, Replicators, and Rasterization
When a group becomes rasterized, particles and replicator elements in that group are
affected and may no longer interact with other layers and groups as expected. Particles
and replicators still interact in 3D with elements in the rasterized group.
Appendix A
About Rasterization

The following examples demonstrate how rasterization affects particles in 2D groups. In
the first image, a nonrasterized 2D group that contains a particle emitter is set to the Add
blend mode. The particles interact with the group beneath the emitter in the Layers list
(the group containing the reddish texture). The particles blend with the pixels of the
underlying group.
In the next image, the group that contains the particle emitter is rasterized. The particle
emitter’s Add blend mode no longer interacts with the group beneath it in the Layers
list (made apparent by the dark ring around the edges of the particles).
Appendix A
About Rasterization

A 3D particle emitter can be rasterized independently of the group in which it lives.
Consequently, the resulting particles may not interact as expected with objects inside
the same group. For example, applying a Circle Blur filter to a particle emitter causes the
particles to no longer intersect with other objects in the same group. The same operations
that cause a 3D group to rasterize cause a 3D particle emitter to rasterize. To minimize
this effect, apply the filter to the emitter’s source object, or deselect the 3D checkbox in
the Emitter Inspector.
When a group or a 3D particle emitter is rasterized, the group can no longer intersect
with objects outside the group. In the following illustration on the left, the nonrasterized
group that contains the particle emitter intersects with images from another group (when
Render Particles is set to In Global 3D). In the illustration on the right, a Bloom filter applied
to the star particles group has triggered a rasterization, so the emitter no longer intersects
with images from another group.
Note: Unlike vector graphics, rasterized 2D groups may lose quality when scaled if the
Fixed Resolution checkbox is selected in the Group Inspector.
In the following illustration on the left, the nonrasterized group that contains the replicator
intersects with an image from another group. In the illustration on the right, a Gradient
Blur filter applied to the replicator group has caused the replicator group to rasterize. As
a result, the replicator no longer intersects with the image from another group.
Appendix A
About Rasterization

For more information on rasterization with 2D and 3D groups, see
Groups and